Hello, World!

I wonder how many other programmers have started a blog like that.

This post will probably be me testing out the platform, seeing how it handles code snippets, then calling it a day.

/// A protocol that declares how an API Client will function.
public protocol RequestSending {

    // use this method for a request that you require parsed data from.
    func sendRequest<Decoder: JSONParsing>(_ apiRequest: APIRequest,
                                           decodeJSONWith decodingType: Decoder.Type,
                                           completion: @escaping (APIResult<Decoder.ResultType>) -> Void) -> URLSessionTask?

    // use this method for requests where just the response status code is enough.
    func sendRequest(_ apiRequest: APIRequest,
                     completion: @escaping (EmptyAPIResult) -> Void) -> URLSessionTask?


public protocol AuthenticatedRequestSending: RequestSending {
    var authentication: AuthCredentials? { get set }

public protocol AuthCredentials {
    var authToken: String { get }

ooh! Now wasn't that pretty.

I'm calling it a day. It's Beer O'Clock somewhere...